Objava v mediju : Prejemniki častnega naziva »Ambasador znanja«

Mednarodna strokovna organizacija Life Learning Academia iz Slovenije je včeraj na slovesnosti v Mestni hiši v Ljubljani podelila častni naziv “Ambasadorka znanja” mag. Natalie Cvikl Postružnik, prokuristki v podjetju Insights, družba za odkrivanje in razvoj potencialov d.o.o., predavateljici, coachinji, certificirani strateginji za družbeno odgovornost in trajnostni razvoj. Priznanje je na 10. obletnici priznanja Ambasador znanja slovesno podelila direktorica Akademie dr. Marjetka Kastner.

Naziv “Ambasador znanja” se podeljuje enkrat letno uglednim posameznikom z vsega sveta, ki delujejo v skladu z načeli sistema “VUCA – Volatility, Unvertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity”. V časih, ko prihaja do hitrih tehnoloških sprememb in ko je okvir dela nestabilen, negotov in zapleten, pride v ospredje inovativno delo, ki izpolnjuje natančno določena merila strokovnih in etičnih dosežkov ter katerega stalni cilj so učenje, znanje in povezovanje.


Prav te lastnosti najdemo v mag. Cvikl Postružnik, tokratni prejemnici naziva »Ambasadorka znanja«, ki s svojim več kot tridesetletnim delom v prenosu znanj deluje visoko profesionalno in etično, pravijo v Academii. Ob njej so na včerajšnji prireditvi častni naziv prejeli tudi drugi vidni člani družbe iz Slovenije, Malija, Makedonije, Bosne, Hrvaške in od drugod. Med prejemniki je bil tudi Tomaž Bole, ustanovitelj in dolgoletni direktor Fundacije Gallus, ter mag. Anita Hrast, direktorica in ustanoviteljica Inštituta za razvoj družbene odgovornosti IRDO.

»Ambasadorji znanja so osebe z visokim ugledom,« je ob podelitvi povedala Kastner, ter dodala, da »potrebujemo ambasadorje znanja kot kompetentne posameznike, ki podpirajo razvoj in pomagajo posameznikom pod žarometi. Skupaj lahko oblikujemo skupno strategijo dejavnosti, ki so potrebne za boljšo promocijo najboljših potencialov in njihove ustvarjalnosti ter izjemnega dela in znanja po vsem svetu.«

Ambasadorje znanja potrdi odbor za dobre talente, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki organizacij iz različnih držav. V desetih letih, torej od ustanovitve v 2014 pa do danes, je projekt povezal 30 držav (Slovenijo, Italijo, Hrvaško, Avstrijo, Bosno in Hercegovino, Srbijo, Makedonijo, Črno goro, Turčijo, Kitajsko, Švico, Nizozemsko, Irak, Šrilanko, Indijo, Kanado, Ciper, Malto, Savdsko Arabijo, Dubaj, Nemčijo, Hongkong, Francijo, Mali …). Prvi ambasadorji znanja so bili v Sloveniji imenovani leta 2014.

Vir: inspire.me avtor AJ 29. marca, 2024

Gradonačelniku Umaga Viliju Bassaneseu dodijeljena titula “Ambasador znanja”


The international professional organization "Life Learning Academia" from Slovenia awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of Knowledge" to the mayor of Umag, Vili Bassanese, at a ceremony in Ljubljana. The award was ceremoniously presented by the director of the Academy, Marjetka Kastner, and on behalf of the mayor, his deputy Mauro Jurman accepted it.

The title "Ambassador of Knowledge" is awarded once a year to prominent individuals from around the world who function according to the principles of the "VUCA – Volatility, Unvertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity" system. At times when there are rapid changes in technologies and when the framework of work is unstable, uncertain and complex, then innovative work comes to the fore that meets precisely defined criteria of professional and ethical achievements, and whose constant focus is learning, knowledge and connection.

Thus, it was pointed out that in the last 10 years or so, the City of Umag has made enormous strides precisely in terms of innovation and sustainability through the "Umag: Smart City - Green City" project, as well as raising the bar in the field of economic, social and social policy. Innovative and sustainable projects ensured quality, which made Umag an example in the direction of preschool education, demography, youth policy, intergenerational solidarity and social policies, and not only in Croatia."The city of Umag is a confirmation that cities can independently initiate development and be a bright example of good practice in various fields. It is a confirmation of the quality work of the entire team, led by the mayor," the director pointed out when presenting the award.

The head of the UN office in Geneva, Dr. David Chikvaidze, addressed the awardees and emphasized the importance of innovation and sustainability and examples of good practice.

"I am extremely proud that we have been recognized for the results of our work outside the borders of Croatia. It is the result of the work of the entire team, from my deputies onward, so thank you to the City Administration for creating a city in which it is pleasant to live, get an education, raise a family, work and finally, plan your retirement days. The title of "Ambassador of Knowledge" is an honor and a confirmation that we are on the right path, but it also represents an additional motive and incentive for further work," said Mayor Bassanese.

Vujici Lazoviću počasna titula “Ambasador znanja”

Ambasadoru Crne Gore u Republici Sloveniji Vujici Lazoviću dodijeljena je, na sinoćnjoj svečanosti u Ljubljani, počasna titula “Ambasador znanja“ u organizaciji Life Learning Academia iz Slovenije, saopšteno je iz Ministarstva vanjskih poslova (MVP).

Lazoviću je priznanje uručila direktorica Life Learning Academia Marjetka Kastner.

Vujica Lazović

“Počasna titula „Ambasador znanja“ dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje, istaknutim pojedincima iz cijelog svijeta, koji ispunjavaju definisane kriterijume svojom stručnošću, posvećenošću, profesionalnim dostignućima i visokim etičkim standardima, a u čijem je fokusu učenje, znanje i povezivanje”, piše u saopštenju MVP.

Vir: https://www.vijesti.me/

The tittle of The Ambassador of Knowledge were given to Atty. Turan Hançerli and Prof.Dr. Vujica Lazovic

The 2019 Ambassador of Knowledge Awards of Life Learning Academia, chaired by Marjetka Kastner, were announced. Mayor of Istanbul Avcılar Att. Turan Hançerli and Recipient of the Marmara Group Foundation Medal of Honor and Ambassador of Montenegro to Slovenia Prof. Dr. Vujica Lazovic was awarded the title of Ambassador of Knowledge this year.

We congratulate these two successful friends of the Marmara Group Foundation, which received their Awards at a ceremony in Ljubliana, Slovenia. Representing the Marmara Group Foundation, Secretary General Cafer Okray and Chair Women of EU and Human Rights Platform of Marmara Group Foundation Mrs. Müjgan Suver, together with Business person Mr. Selçuk Sarıyar were present at the ceremony.

Müjgan Suver presented the Reference Awards at the ceremony.

The Austrian State awarded Dr. Akkan Suver with the Decoration of Honour in Gold.

The Austrian State awarded the “Decoration of Honour in Gold” To Dr. Akkan Suver, President of the Marmara Group Foundation.

Dr. Akkan Suver was awarded with the Decoration of Honour in Gold by the Austrian State during a ceremony held by President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen at the Austrian Embassy in Ankara.

Former Chancellor of Austria, Dr. Erhard Busek (1991-1995) also took part at the Ceremony. In his speech, Dr. Erhard Busek said that the Marmara Group Foundation is one of the widely-acclaimed and widely-known civil society organizations in Austria. Dr.Erhard Busek emphasized that he came here from Austria just for this Medal and he congratulated Dr. Akkan Suver on his success.

Dr. Ulrike Tilly, Ambassador of Austria to Ankara, presented the Medal to Dr. Akkan Suver and emphasized that Dr. Akkan Suver was honoured with this Medal because of his works that he put forth in the realms of peace and dialogue as a part of the civil society.

In his thank-you speech, Dr. Akkan Suver highlighted the importance the Austrian State places on the thought and philosophy of civil society and maintained that he received the medal on behalf of the Turkish civil society.

Several foreign mission chefs from Ankara and parliamentarians also attended the Ceremony.

Dimis Michaelides

Michaelidis Dimis   visited Rotary club Cyprus in september, where he presented his new book, called Y2.200K a chronicle (https://www.armidabooks.com/book/y2-200k/).

Dimis Michaelides

Michaelidis Dimis   visited Rotary club Cyprus in september, where he presented his new book, called Y2.200K a chronicle (https://www.armidabooks.com/book/y2-200k/).

The book is a fusion of Dimis Michaelides’ intelligent and creative writing and Umit Inatci’s visually stunning imagery. In the year Y2.050K, the Energia spacecraft begins its voyage to Proxima Centauri. As it travels, humanity progresses and regresses in leaps and bounds. At the forefront of the chronicle are the tensions between superstition and science, war and peace, democracy and dictatorship. Alien threats loom in the background. By the year 2.200K.

Besides being an author on innovation, creativity and leadership, Mr. Michaelidis is also a keynote speaker who has extensive international experience as a business executive and as a speaker in corporate and public events. You can check his works and books on the following link http://www.dimis.org/.

Lotrič opens the first metrology park in Slovenia

Lotrič odprl prvi meroslovni park v Sloveniji

Železniki, 23 October

Today, the Lotrič Metrology Group opened Slovenia’s first metrology park in Železniki, where various types of measurement equipment are presented. According to Group founder, Marko Lotrič, the park is a response to the fourth industrial revolution, the revolution that requires digitalisation of measurement equipment and procedures.

"Industry 4.0 requires mutual device communication, and this is also reflected in metrology,” explained Lotrič. At today’s opening of the metrology park, this was discussed by experts who presented knowledge and achievement in terms of Metrology 4.0.

Sixteen global measurement equipment providers and approximately 150 partners were invited to the park’s opening, which was primarily organised to support clients introducing new technology. Lotrič Metrology awarded Metrology Excellence Certificates to Gorenje Orodjarna, Revoz and Knauf Insulation for their investment in quality metrology equipment and corporate know-how.

The metrology park encompasses more than 1,000m2, where various types of measurement equipment are presented, including the company’s own products for the calibration of measurement equipment, which it started producing in 2015, after having established itself almost 25 years previously.

Three years ago, the company developed Exactum, a smart system for the automatic control of parameters, which today is used at more than 1,300 measurement points, including the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves and as hospitals cold chains.

This year, Trames Unique was launched. This is a measurement device for product dimensions. ‘It is entirely tailored to customer need’, said project manager Maja Lotrič. The company had already produced six similar devices, and, in Železniki presented a device for Knauf Insulation, which is used to ensure correct material density during production; and a device to be used in Bosnia and Herzegovina for tape measure calibration.

‘New products are a response to client need’, said Marko Lotrič, adding that orders for their products have been increasing. Last year, the Group, which until recently consisted of nine companies, generated €5.2 million in revenue and nearly €500,000 in net profit. Last year, the Group gained a new member, SPM, a company that has been solving customer problems in the field of process and industrial automation for more than 20 years.

The Lotrič Metrology Group, whose parent company is Lotrič Meroslovje, will issue 85,000 certificates based on more than 4.2 million measurements this year. The Group has 130 measurement experts working in six countries, namely Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria and Croatia, where the Group has branches.

Lotrič Meroslovje is based in Selca, but the company ran out of space for expansion, so last year, acquired new premises, which had previously housed the Alples Exhibition Salon, in Železniki. At the moment, the value of the metrology park is estimated at €1.2 million, and the Group plans to implement building energy overhaul in the next two years, requiring investment of €500,000.

The development department will move to the new premises, and, in the future, the Group wants to establish an innovative environment in the building to provide an opportunity for employee and client education, as well as education for students and schoolchildren, in order to enhance good metrology practice in terms of Industry 4.0.

A prestigious award for our Ambassadors of Knowledge in Monaco

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ is a unique global program that recognizes entrepreneurial achievement among individuals and companies that demonstrate vision, leadership and success — and work to improve the quality of life in their communities, countries and around the world.

The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ program was established more than 30 years ago and today operates in more than 50 countries and 145 cities around the world.

Each country’s program culminates in the announcement of an overall national winner who then competes for the prestigious EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Award.

Angelo Xuereb was just 16 years old when he told his father that he wanted to start a construction business. His father was unimpressed, preferring that his son become a bank manager. Angelo was adamant and went on to found AX Group in 1975, with an initial investment of just over US$500......

“Special consultative status UN” granted to IFIMES

IFIMES prejel »posebni posvetovalni status pri OZN«

Ljubljana/New York, 19. septembra 2018

Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije (IFIMES) je pridobil posebni posvetovalni status pri OZN v okviru Ekonomsko socialnega sveta (ECOSOC) pri Organizaciji Združenih narodov (OZN), ki je tretji najpomembnejši organ znotraj sistema OZN.

ECOSOC je glavni organ OZN za usklajevanje, pregled politik, politični dialog in priporočila o gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih vprašanjih ter za izvajanje mednarodno dogovorjenih razvojnih ciljev. Služi kot osrednji mehanizem za delovanje sistema OZN in njenih specializiranih agencij na gospodarskem, socialnem in okoljskem področju, ki nadzira pomožne in strokovne organe. Je tudi osrednja platforma OZN za razmislek, razpravo in inovativno razmišljanje o trajnostnem razvoju. Ima 54 članov, ki jih Generalna skupščina OZN izvoli za triletno obdobje.

Posebni posvetovalni status pri OZN pomeni, da se organizacija s tem statusom lahko na različne načine dejavno vključi in sodeluje z ECOSOC-om in njegovimi pomožnimi organi, prav tako pa tudi s sekretariatom OZN, skladi, programi ter agencijami Združenih narodov. Tako lahko organizacija ECOSOC-u poda pisne predloge, pomaga pri oblikovanju dnevnega reda, poda mnenje, če jo za to zaprosi ECOSOC ali generalni sekretar OZN, in aktivno sodeluje pri oblikovanju politik z drugimi nevladnimi organizacijami v okviru Odbora za nevladne organizacije pri ECOSOC-u. Tudi generalni sekretar OZN lahko zahteva od organizacije, ki ima posebni posvetovalni status pri OZN, da pripravi določeno študijo ali analizo.

Direktorja Mednarodnega inštituta za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije (IFIMES) doc. dr. Zijad Bećirović in Bakhatyar Aljaf se zahvaljujeta vsem članom, Svetu in Svetovalnemu odboru inštituta, sponzorjem, donatorjem, medijem, javnosti in vsem, ki so sodelovali in podpirali inštitut pri njegovem dolgoletnem uspešnem delovanju, na podlagi katerega je IFIMES kot svojevrstno priznanje zasluženo pridobil posebni posvetovalni status pri OZN.

Ljubljana/New York, 19. septembra 2018

Director of IFIMES received a special achievement award


Directors of International institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) Bakhatyar Aljaf and Assist. Prof. Zijad Bećirović had taken part at the Academic-Economic Congress (AEC) organized by Life Learning Academia (LLA) – an organization for the certification and management of expert and networking processes in the area of knowledge. They took part at the panel entitled “What to take from the past – Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility”.

Academic-Economic Congress (AEC) organized by the LLA was also attended by numerous participants from different countries, who came from the world of science, business, academic communities and public life. The emphasis is on learning, knowledge and integration.

The directors took part at the ceremony where the honorary titles »Ambassador of knowledge« were given to renowned individuals in various fields. The guests were addressed by director of LLA Marjetka Kastner.

A certificate for learning organizations for 2018 was awarded to the International institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES), and was received by director Bakhatyar Aljaf.

At the end of the event the award for special achievements was handed over to director of IFIMES Assist. Prof. Zijad Bećirović.

Ljubljana, June 5, 2018

Vir: https://www.ifimes.org/