Directors of International institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) Bakhatyar Aljaf and Assist. Prof. Zijad Bećirović had taken part at the Academic-Economic Congress (AEC) organized by Life Learning Academia (LLA) – an organization for the certification and management of expert and networking processes in the area of knowledge. They took part at the panel entitled “What to take from the past – Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility”.
Academic-Economic Congress (AEC) organized by the LLA was also attended by numerous participants from different countries, who came from the world of science, business, academic communities and public life. The emphasis is on learning, knowledge and integration.
The directors took part at the ceremony where the honorary titles »Ambassador of knowledge« were given to renowned individuals in various fields. The guests were addressed by director of LLA Marjetka Kastner.
A certificate for learning organizations for 2018 was awarded to the International institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES), and was received by director Bakhatyar Aljaf.
At the end of the event the award for special achievements was handed over to director of IFIMES Assist. Prof. Zijad Bećirović.
Ljubljana, June 5, 2018
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