Project Ambassadors of Knowledge

Discovering and promoting good potential and best talents from all over the world



The project - Ambassadors of Knowledgeis aimed at discovering and promoting good potential/best talents from all over the world. With the project we try to help individuals to get better possibility to upgrade their personal and professional career. The project maintain constant interaction among high reputation people from different countries with one purpose - Introduce The Best Talents.

Purpose of the project

The main purpose of the project is that Reference awarded individuals or groups have better opportunity to upgrade their career. They are identified as a good potentials and have better options in the market of workforce.

If you want to propose some person to be Ambassador of Knowledge, please use the proposal form.

Benefits in connections and promotions

The project connects individuals/groups throughout the globe, decreases unemployment and enhances collaboration on the global level.

Reduce the gaps 

Furthermore, the project blurs the gap in collaboration between the economic and academic spheres, and builds the society of knowledge on the global level.

Support the development

With the cooperation we building the knowledge of society on a global scale. The project also support the development and transfer the practical knowledge and skills.


Better employability

Together we can shape a common strategy of activities needed for the better employability (specially for young people) and promote the knowledge throughout the world.

Ambassadors of knowledge
Recipients of awards MENTOR
Reference Winner



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The tittle of The Ambassador of Knowledge were given to Atty. Turan Hançerli and Prof.Dr. Vujica Lazovic

The tittle of The Ambassador of Knowledge were given to Atty. Turan Hançerli and Prof.Dr. Vujica Lazovic

The 2019 Ambassador of Knowledge Awards of Life Learning Academia, chaired by Marjetka Kastner, were announced. Mayor of Istanbul Avcılar Att. Turan Hançerli and Recipient of the Marmara Group Foundation Medal of Honor and Ambassador of Montenegro to Slovenia Prof. Dr. Vujica Lazovic was awarded the title of Ambassador of Knowledge this year. We congratulate …
Vujici Lazoviću počasna titula "Ambasador znanja"

Vujici Lazoviću počasna titula "Ambasador znanja"

Ambasadoru Crne Gore u Republici Sloveniji Vujici Lazoviću dodijeljena je, na sinoćnjoj svečanosti u Ljubljani, počasna titula "Ambasador znanja“ u organizaciji Life Learning Academia iz Slovenije, saopšteno je iz Ministarstva vanjskih poslova (MVP). Lazoviću je priznanje uručila direktorica Life Learning Academia Marjetka Kastner. "Počasna titula „Ambasador znanja“ dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje, istaknutim pojedincima iz cijelog …
Tri priznanja iz Brda v osrčje Prlekije

Tri priznanja iz Brda v osrčje Prlekije

Pod vzornim in predanim vodstvom direktorice Marjetke Kastner, mag. poslovnih ved in njenih sodelavk in sodelavcev je v realizaciji Life Learning Academia potekal v začetku junija 2015 drugi, dva dni trajajoči akademsko gospodarski kongres – AEC 2015 na Brdu pri Kranju.   Prvega dne so se v dopoldanskem času predstavili preko intervjujev ambasadorji znanj. Sledilo je predavanje »Vidiki …