Marking a 10 years tradition of excellence and innovation, the Ambassadors of Knowledge Awards ceremonyis an annual highlight that celebrates the remarkable achievements and advancements made by individuals and organizations across various fields from 22 countires.

It is an occasion of Promoting Potential Excellence with the »Reference Awards" where we honor those who have not only demonstrated outstanding contributions but have also shown a steadfast commitment to fostering growth and collaboration within our global community.

This event serves as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of knowledge and the importance of nurturing talent on an international scale.

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Ljubljana, City Hall

28. March 2024 at 5PM

Ljubljana City Hall, Red Hall

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Spoštovani Ambasadorji znanja in prejemniki priznanj Mentor in Referenca.

Ob praznovanju desete obletnice projekta Ambasadorji znanja smo napolnjeni s hvaležnostjo in ponosom. Vaša
predanost, strokovnost in neomajna zavezanost so naredile ta projekt in sodelovanja resnično izjemna in
zaznamovana s trenutki veselja, povezovanj na vseh ravneh in pomembne rasB.
Vsi prejemniki častnega naziva Ambasador Znanj in vsi prejemniki priznanj Mentor in Referenca ste obogaBli to
skupnost in boste v prihodnje navdihnili številne druge, da si prizadevajo za širjenje znanj in predstavitev BsBh, ki
izstopajo iz povprečja.

Skupaj že 10 let vzpostavljamo kulturo sodelovanja, inovacij in neprestanega učenja.

Marjetka Kastner, ustanovitelj, lastnik in vodja projekta

Dear Knowledge Ambassadors and Mentor and Reference Award recipients,

As we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Knowledge Ambassadors project, we are filled with gratitude and pride. Your dedication, professionalism, and unwavering commitment have made this project and collaborations truly exceptional and marked by moments of joy, connections at all levels, and important rasB.
All recipients of the honorary title of Knowledge Ambassador and all recipients of the Mentor and Reference awards have enriched this
community and will inspire many others in the future to strive to spread knowledge and present BsBh that stand out from the rest.

Together, we have been establishing a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning for 10 years.

Life Learning Academy,
Marjetka Kastner, founder, owner and project manager