Štefan Pavlinjek


Year receipt of recognition 2023
Director and an owner of ROTO company

O podjetju

AWARDED WITH Referenca or Mentor:

Back in the 1990 Štefan Pavlinjek and his colleagues started developing and producing clean and waste water collectors, waste water treatment systems and other solutions for ecology and environmental protection. His innovative and pioneering spirit led him to develop and manufacture one of the world’s first remote-controlled household cleaning devices.

With a visionary spirit, he positioned the ROTO group on the Slovenian and European markets, and together with the rest of the family members, as the general manager, today he leads the ROTO group, which has 8 factories in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, on the way to becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of innovative systems for the collection and purification of water, as well as the production of various tanks/kettles for the automotive, nautical, agricultural and other industries.

His awards:

  • Gazelle for the Podravsko-Pomurska region,
  • The Best Manager in the region of South-Eastern Europe
  • Pomurc of the Month
  • In 2016 he was an entrepreneur of the year

    And since 2014 he’s an honorary consul of North Macedonia.

Že v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja je Štefan Pavlinjek s sodelavci začel razvijati inpr oizvajati zbiralnike čistih in odpadnih voda, sisteme za čiščenje odpadnih voda in druge rešitve za ekologijo in varstvo okolja. Njegov inovativni in pionirski duh ga je pripeljal do razvoja in proizvodnje ene prvih daljinsko vodenih gospodinjskih čistilnih naprav na svetu.

Z vizionarskim duhom je skupino ROTO pozicioniral na slovenskem in evropskem trgu, skupaj z ostalimi člani družine pa kot generalni direktor danes vodi skupino ROTO, ki ima 8 tovarn v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Srbiji in Makedonija, na poti, da postane vodilni svetovni proizvajalec inovativnih sistemov za zbiranje in čiščenje vode ter proizvodnjo različnih rezervoarjev/kotličkov za avtomobilsko, navtično, kmetijsko in drugo industrijo.

Njegove nagrade:
Gazela za podravsko-pomursko regijo,
Naj menedžer v regiji jugovzhodne Evrope,
Naj Pomurca meseca,
Leta 2016 je bil podjetnik leta

in od leta 2014 je častni konzul Severne Makedonije.