Ms Milena Eber
The best of the best
Gospa Josipina je po svoji upokojitvi (1991) vodenje Krznarstva zaupala nečakinji Mileni Eber Štimac.
Dinamična Milena je koncept večne in nepogrešljive klasike oplemenitila še s trendovsko modo. Z obiski modnih sejmov v Milanu in Parizu, stalnim strokovnim izpopolnjevanjem in spoznavanjem novih modnih smernic je utrdila prepričanje, da so krzneni izdelki namenjeni vsem generacijam in primerni za vse priložnosti. In s tem se dodobra strinja njena hči Mateja, ki se ob študiju že intenzivno vključuje v delo ter s svojim čutom za estetiko, odgovornim odnosom do strank in prijaznostjo nadaljuje Ebrovo tradicijo.
After her retirement (1991), Mrs. Josipina entrusted the management of the Fur Farm to her niece, Milena Eber Štimac.
Dynamic Milena refined the concept of eternal and indispensable classics with trendy fashion. Through visits to fashion fairs in Milan and Paris, constant professional development and learning about new fashion trends, she strengthened her belief that fur products are intended for all generations and suitable for all occasions. And her daughter Mateja fully agrees with this, who is already intensively involved in work during her studies and continues Ebro’s tradition with her sense of aesthetics, responsible attitude towards customers and kindness.