Mr Janez Bratovž


Director JB Restavration
Year receipt of recognition 2014

Kuharski mojster svetovnega kova chef Janez Bratovž je steber kulinaričnega užitka v JB restavraciji v Ljubljani. Chefa Janeza Bratovža določa nenehna želja po doseganju popolnosti, njegove kulinarične kreacije zaznamuje dojemanje prvinskosti v hrani in hkrati premišljena in prefinjena drznost, katere posledica je, da okusi in posamezne jedi razširjajo kulinarično obzorje in spreminjajo vaše in njegovo prepričanje, kaj in kakšna je lahko dobra in zapeljiva hrana.

Čisto in prefinjeno je vodilo chefa Janeza Bratovža, kuharskega velemojstra, ki se je kalil doma in v Evropi, in je dom našel na začetku Miklošičeve ulice, ki popotnika popelje v zgodovinsko in sodobno Ljubljano.

Jedi so iz popolnoma svežih sestavin. Prezentacija jedi je zmeraj elegantna – gosta očarajo s prvinskimi okusi. Integriteto in šarm kuhanju chefa Janeza Bratovža daje kombinacija mediteranskega z globalnimi vplivi od drugod, a vendarle ves čas z neprikritim ohranjanjem tradicije – visoke francoske in nostalgične slovenske.

World-class chef Janez Bratovž is a pillar of culinary pleasure at the JB restaurant in Ljubljana. Chef Janez Bratovž is defined by a constant desire to achieve perfection, his culinary creations are characterized by a perception of originality in food and at the same time a thoughtful and sophisticated boldness, the result of which is that flavors and individual dishes expand the culinary horizon and change your and his belief in what and what good can be and tempting food.

Clean and refined is the guide of chef Janez Bratovž, a culinary grandmaster who grew up at home and in Europe, and who found his home at the beginning of Miklošičeva Street, which takes the traveler to historical and modern Ljubljana.

The dishes are made from completely fresh ingredients. The presentation of the dishes is always elegant – guests are charmed with original flavors. The integrity and charm of chef Janez Bratovž’s cooking is given by the combination of the Mediterranean with global influences from elsewhere, but all the while with the undisguised preservation of tradition – high French and nostalgic Slovenian.