doc. dr. Mateja Berčan


Supervisor for the implementation of technical controls with advice for individual professional groups of health professionals in the Ministry of Health
Year receipt of recognition 2015

Mateja Bercane has 2012 finished the doctoral program in social gerontology Alma Mater Europaea-European Centre Maribor. In the same year he also started to work as the authorized supervisor of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HII) for the implementation of financial and medical checks in the field of patronage and home health care and nursing in social care institutions. She was also appointed as a member of the Association of IT ZPMS Slovenia, the Chamber of Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia – Association of professional associations of nurses, midwives and medical technicians Slovenia. She is a mentor and learning base in the implementation of clinical practice for students of higher professional study programs-Health Care on Medical Faculty in Ljubljana. She become a supervisor in 2014 for the implementation of technical controls with advice for individual professional groups of health professionals in the Ministry of Health.

Doc. dr. Mateja Berčan je specialistka gerontološke zdravstvene nege. Zaposlena je kot patronažna medicinska sestra zasebnica. Je predsednica Združenja zasebnih patronažnih medicinskih sester Slovenije in članica izvršilnega odbora Sekcije patronažnih medicinskih sester pri Zbornici-Zvezi. Od leta 2012 je pooblaščeni nadzornik ZZZS za izvajanje finančno medicinskih nadzorov s področja patronaže in zdravstvene nege na domu ter zdravstvene nege v socialnovarstvenih zavodih.