Ms Jerneja Kamnikar, Msc.


Founder and Director of Vivo d.o.o.
Year receipt of recognition 2014

Jerneja Kamnikar je diplomirala na Fakulteti za turistične študije na Univerzi na Primorskem.

Je ustanoviteljica podjetja Vivo d. o. o., katerega vodi še danes in je eno izmed vodilnih catering podjetij v Sloveniji. Med številnimi projetki podjetja izstopajo pogostitve za kraljeve družine (Nizozemske, Danske, Velike Britanije) in predstavitve slovenske kulinarike na mednarodnih kongresih. Od leta 1999 je vodila dva mandata F&B sekcije pri turistično gostinski zbornici Slovenije.

Je avtorica kolumn v najprepoznavnejših medijih ter člankov na mednarodnih strokovnih in znanstvenih konferencah. V vseh letih aktivno oblikuje smernice pri razvoju kongresnega turizma in sodeluje pri oblikovanju standardov na tem področju, poleg tega pa kot predavateljica svoje bogato znanje o gostinstvu in turizmu že vrsto let prenaša na številne srednješolce in višješolce – med drugim tudi vsem študentom gostinstva in turizma BIC Ljubljana, VSŠ.

Jerneja Kamnikar graduated from the Faculty of Tourism Studies at the University of Primorska.

She is the founder of Vivo d. o. o., which he still manages today and is one of the leading catering companies in Slovenia. Among the company’s many projects, banquets for royal families (of the Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain) and presentations of Slovenian cuisine at international congresses stand out. Since 1999, she has headed the F&B section at the Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia for two terms.

She is the author of columns in the most recognizable media and articles at international professional and scientific conferences. Throughout the years, she actively creates guidelines for the development of congress tourism and participates in the creation of standards in this field. In addition, as a lecturer, she has been passing on her rich knowledge of catering and tourism to many high school and upper school students for many years – among others, to all BIC catering and tourism students. Ljubljana, VSŠ.