Mr Franjo Bobinac – President & CEO Gorenje Group
The best of the best
Franjo Bobinac ima mednarodne izkušnje z različnih poslovnih funkcij ter razpolaga s poglobljenim teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem.
Je član Skupščine evropskega združenja proizvajalcev bele tehnike CECED, Upravnega odbora pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije, Upravnega odbora Poslovne šole Bled – IEDC, Upravnega odbora Univerze v Ljubljani, Upravnega odbora Raziskovalnega Instituta Jožef Stefan, Sveta Ekonomske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, in predsednik Rokometne zveze Slovenije. Je podpredsednik Združenja Manager Slovenije, pred tem pa je bil pet let predsednik združenja. Je tudi član Upravnega odbora združenja managerjev jugovzhodne Evrope Summit 100.Občasno predava na mednarodni Poslovni šoli Bled – IEDC in Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani.Je gostujoči profesor na Mednarodni podiplomski šoli Inštituta Jožef Stefan.Je nosilec odlikovanja vitez nacionalnega reda za zasluge Republike Francije ter prejemnik nagrade Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije za izjemne gospodarske dosežke v letu 2007 in medalje Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja za gospodarstvenike, ki jo podeljuje Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Štefana.
Franjo Bobinac has international experience in various business functions and possesses in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge.
He is a member of the Assembly of the European Association of Appliance Manufacturers CECED, the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, the Board of Directors of the Bled Business School – IEDC, the Board of Directors of the University of Ljubljana, the Board of Directors of the Jožef Stefan Research Institute, the Council of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana, and the president of the Slovenian Handball Association . He is the vice-president of the Association of Managers of Slovenia, and before that he was the president of the association for five years. He is also a member of the Management Board of the Summit 100 Association of Southeast European Managers. He occasionally lectures at the International Business School Bled – IEDC and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. He is a visiting professor at the International Postgraduate School of the Jožef Stefan Institute. recipient of the award of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia for outstanding economic achievements in 2007 and the Janez Vajkard Valvasor medal for businessmen, awarded by the International Postgraduate School of Jožef Štefan.