Mitja Pregelj


Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2017

Predstavitev prejemnika priznanja:

Mitja Pregelj, diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike, je zaposlen v podjetju Magneti Ljubljana d.d. kot vodja službe za avtomatizacijo. Je specialist s področja računalniškega vodenja procesov in strojev, krmilniške tehnologije in nadzornih sistemov vodenja. Poleg področja avtomatizacije in vodenja procesov je aktiven tudi na drugih področjih, kot sta energetika in kakovost. Je notranji presojevalec sistemov vodenja kakovosti v podjetju. Je tudi avtor strokovnih člankov na temo računalniškega vodenja strojev, ki smo jih razvili in izdelali v podjetju Magneti Ljubljana d.d. Vodi projekte v podjetju s področja izdelave ali nabave nove opreme in infrastrukture. V svoji dosedanji strokovni karieri je bil mentor dijakom, študentom ali novo zaposlenim sodelavcem.

Mitja Pregelj holds degree in electrical engineering, he works in the company Magneti Ljubljana d.d. as Head of automation department. He is a specialist in the field of computer process and machine control and supervisory, control and data acquisition systems. In addition to the areas of automation and process control he is also active in other areas, such as energy and quality. He is also internal auditor of quality management systems in the company. He is author of scientific articles on the subject of computer control of machines, we have developed and manufactured in the company Magneti Ljubljana d.d. He manages projects in the company in the field of construction or purchase of new equipment and infrastructure. In his previous professional career, he has been a mentor to students or newly employed colleagues.