mag. Marjetka Strle Vidali
The best of the best
Gospa Marjetka Strle je direktorica v Slovenskem inštitutu za standardizacijo (SIST), ki je slovenski nacionalni organ za standarde, odgovoren tudi za vzpostavitev, vodenje in vzdrževanje nacionalnega sistema standardizacije na področju elektrotehnike, informacijske tehnologije, telekomunikacij in splošnem področju in zastopanje nacionalnih interesov v mednarodnih organizacijah za standardizacijo (ISO, IEC) in evropskih organizacijah za standardizacijo.
Mrs. Marjetka Strle is the director of the Slovenian Institute for Standardization (SIST), which is the Slovenian national standards body, also responsible for the establishment, management and maintenance of the national standardization system in the field of electrical engineering, information technology, telecommunications and the general field, as well as representing national interests in international standardization organizations (ISO, IEC) and European standardization organizations.