Mag. Miha Ješe


Year receipt of recognition 2019
Mayor of Škofja Loka municipality

Rodil se je v Škofji Loki, kjer je obiskoval osnovno šolo, gimnazijo in glasbeno šolo. V Ljubljani je s šolanjem nadaljeval na Ekonomski fakulteti, kasneje se je vpisal še na podiplomski magistrski študij managementa, ki ga je zaključil leta 1998 z magistrskim delom Vpliv in vloga vodstev podjetij v poslovanju v slovenskih predilnicah in tkalnicah.

Več let je bil zaposlen v Slovenijalesu v Ljubljani in Moskvi. Zadnjih dvajset let vodi Gorenjsko predilnico, zadnjih deset let pa tudi podjetje za zaposlovanje invalidov Lokateks.

V študentskih letih je bil dejaven v Klubu škofjeloških študentov, pri škofjeloških tabornikih – Rod Svobodnega Kamnitnika in na Loškem odru. Sodeloval je v osnovnošolskem in gimnazijskem pevskem zboru ter v KPZ Loka. Sedaj je član vokalne skupine Patina. Več kot dvajset let je predsednik Sklada Staneta Severja, sodeluje tudi v Turistističnem društvu, društvu Gaudeamus in Muzejskem društvu.V Škofjo Loko spada tudi naselje Zminec=).

Leta 2010 je kandidiral na lokalnih volitvah za župana in bil izvoljen.

He was born in Škofja Loka, where he attended primary school, high school and music school. In Ljubljana, he continued his education at the Faculty of Economics, and later enrolled in a postgraduate master’s degree in management, which he completed in 1998 with a master’s thesis on the influence and role of company management in business in Slovenian spinning mills and weaving mills.

For several years, he was employed at Slovenijales in Ljubljana and Moscow. For the past twenty years, he has been running the Gorenjska spinning mill, and for the past ten years, he has also been running a company for the employment of disabled people, Lokateks.

During his student years, he was active in the Škofjeloško Students’ Club, in the Škofjeloško Scouts – the Order of the Free Stone and on the Loška stage. He participated in the elementary school and high school choirs and in KPZ Loka. He is now a member of the vocal group Patina. He has been the president of the Stanet Sever Foundation for more than twenty years, he also participates in the Tourist Association, the Gaudeamus Association and the Museum Association. Škofja Loko also includes the village of Zminec =).

In 2010, he ran for mayor in local elections and was elected.