Tomaž Butina,


Entrepreneur. Founder of the first Slovenian Mutual Fund, KD Galileo.
Year receipt of recognition 2019

Tomaž Butina je diplomiral na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in računalništvo v Ljubljani.
Do leta 1990 se je ukvarjal z razvojem računalniško krmiljenih strojev. Leta 1991 je soustanovil podjetje PM&A, v okviru katerega je deloval kot direktor in borzni posrednik. Je idejni oče prvega slovenskega vzajemnega sklada, kasneje poimenovanega Galileo, ki je bil ustanovljen konec leta 1991. V letih 1996-2000 je vodil nepremičninsko družbo Fistro d.o.o., ki je med drugim zgradila naselje 55 stanovanjskih hiš v Ljubljani, imenovano »Karlovško predmestje«. Kot svetovalec je sodeloval s Podjetniškim centrom Ljubljana pri projektu Garancijskega sklada.
Kot član ali predsednik nadzornega sveta je deloval v družbah Final d.d., Jata d.d., Gradis IPGI d.d., KD ID d.d., KD d.d., KD Življenje d.d., KD Skladi d.o.o. in Adriatic Slovenica d.d. in kot član upravnega odbora v KD Banki d.d..
Je član upravnega odbora družb KD Group d.d.. in namestnik predsednika upravnega odbora KD d. d., član nadzornega sveta Adriatic Slovenica d.d. in KD Skladi d.o.o. ter direktor družb Avra in Dermatologija Bartenjev – Rogl. Na humanitarnem področju je dejaven kot član najstarejšega slovenskega Lions kluba Ljubljana.

Tomaž Butina graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Ljubljana.
Until 1990, he was engaged in the development of computer-controlled machines. In 1991, he co-founded the company PM&A, within which he worked as a director and stockbroker. He is the founding father of the first Slovenian mutual fund, later named Galileo, which was founded at the end of 1991. In the years 1996-2000, he managed the real estate company Fistro d.o.o., which, among other things, built a settlement of 55 residential houses in Ljubljana, called “Karlovško predmestje”. As a consultant, he worked with the Ljubljana Entrepreneurship Center on the Guarantee Fund project.
As a member or chairman of the supervisory board, he worked in the companies Final d.d., Jata d.d., Gradis IPGI d.d., KD ID d.d., KD d.d., KD Življenje d.d., KD Skladi d.o.o. and Adriatic Slovenica d.d. and as a member of the board of directors in KD Banka d.d.
He is a member of the board of directors of KD Group d.d. and the deputy chairman of the board of directors of KD d.d. d.d., member of the supervisory board of Adriatic Slovenica d.d. and KD Skladi d.o.o. and director of Avra and Dermatology Bartenjev – Rogl. He is active in the humanitarian field as a member of the oldest Slovenian Lions Club, Ljubljana.