Cvetka Gomboc Alt
Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2015
The best of the best
Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2015
Cvetka Gomboc Alt je od leta 1996 zaposlena na Ekonomski šoli Murska Sobota kot učiteljica strokovno-teoretičnih predmetov. V času dela na šoli je opravljala številne naloge: bila je tajnica za splošno in poklicno maturo, predsednica upravnega odbora Šolskega sklada, od leta 2000 naprej pa je opravljala dela pomočnice ravnatelja. Pri dijakih razvija iniciativnost in kreativnost v razmišljanju.
Spodbuja dijake pri uporabi pridobljenega znanja v vsakdanjih življenjskih situacijah in opravljanju praktičnega usposabljanja v podjetjih. Dijake, ki imajo željo po razširjanju in poglabljanju znanja na področju ekonomije in statistike, vključuje v različne projekte s tega področja. Sodeluje kot mentorica dijakom v šolskih razvojnih projektih v okviru posodabljanja gimnazijskih programov, v inovativnih projektih na šoli ter pri raziskovalnih nalogah v povezavi s podjetji. Je tudi tajnica državne tekmovalne komisije za poslovno in finančno matematiko ter statistiko v okviru Društva matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije.
Preko opravljanja tega dela skrbi za popularizacijo uporabe matematike in statistike med mladimi in pri finančnih odločitvah tako doma kot v poslovnem svetu. Dijake pripravlja na državna tekmovanja iz ekonomije in statistike, na katerih dosegajo zlata in srebrna priznanja. Na šoli je koordinatorica aktivnosti v okviru Tedna vseživljenjskega učenja in tudi izvajalka delavnic s področja ročnih spretnosti – kvačkanja, slikanja na svilo, izdelave nakita, šivanja.
Opravlja tudi mentorsko delo dijakom prostovoljcem in deluje kot prostovoljska v okviru Zveze prijateljev mladine. S svojim znanjem in veščinami ves čas prispeva k večjemu sodelovanju šole z okoljem. Veliko časa posveča delu z mladimi, s tem pa prispeva k razvijanju potencialov mladih ter njihovi strokovni in osebnostni rasti.
Cvetka Gomboc Alt has been employed as a teacher of professional-theoretical subjects at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota (Secondary economic school Murska Sobota) since 1996. She has done different types of work: she was the secretary of the general and vocational matura; she was the president of the administrative board of the School fund and since 2000 she has been the assistant to the headmaster. She develops initiative and creative thinking in students. She encourages students to use their gained knowledge in everyday situations and while they are doing their work placements.She integrates students who have the desire to broaden and deepen their knowledge in the field of economy and statistics in different projects in these fields. She participates as a mentor to students in school developmental projects within the modernisation of grammar school programs, in innovative school projects and with research papers in cooperation with companies. She is also the secretary of the national competition committee for business and financial mathematics as well as statistics within the Slovenian Society of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers. By doing this work she takes care of the popularisation of the use of mathematics and statistics among young people and with financial decisions at home and in the business world. She prepares students for national competitions in the field of economics and statistics, where they achieve golden and silver recognition awards. At school she is the coordinator of the activities within the week of lifelong learning as well as the performer of workshops in the field of handiwork – crochet, painting on silk, manufacture of jewellery and sewing. She is also the mentor to students who do voluntary work. Furthermore she works as a volunteer within the Association of Friends of Youth. With her knowledge and skills she contributes constantly to a greater cooperation of the school with the environment. She dedicates a lot of time to the work with young people and hereby contributes to the development of potentials of young peopleas well as to their professional and personal growth.