Chif Guillaume Iskandar


Chef Langouste Restaurant
Year receipt of recognition 2019

Guillaume Iskandar prihaja iz Aix-en-Provence na jugu Francije.

Od otroštva ohranja navade svojih staršev. Kuhanje na drva, orade in žar, velikodušna kuhinja, sinonim za dobre trenutke za skupno rabo.
Guillaume se odloči, da bo kuhanje njegovo življenje. Začne pri Jean-Marcu Banzu v “Clos de la Violette”, 2 Michelinovi zvezdici, nadaljuje usposabljanje pri Alainu Passardu v Arpegeju, 3 zvezdice, preden se pridruži Géraldu Passedatu v restavraciji “Le Petit Nice”, 3 Michelinove zvezdice, in nazadnje Bertrand Grebaut v Septimeu v Parizu.

Leto 2012 je pomembno leto: Guillaume Iskandar odpre svoj naslov v Parizu. To bo Garance, poleg Guillauma Mullerja, ki skrbi za brezhibno sobno postrežbo. Guillaume Iskandar ponuja prefinjeno, a cenovno dostopno kuhanje in svoje goste seznanja z novimi okusi, tako da najbolj tradicionalne jedi skicirajo med sodobnostjo in nekonformnostjo, da jim nikoli ni dolgčas. Preprosta kuhinja, polna presenečenj in ritma letnih časov, bi lahko povzeli …
Najpomembnejše leto v njegovi karieri je 2015, ko Guillaume s svojo ekipo v restavraciji Garance v Parizu pridobi Michelinovo zvezdico za odličnost v gastronomiji in jo potrjujejo skozi leta 2016, 2017 in 2018.

Guillaume Iskandar comes from Aix-en-Provence, in the south of France. 
From his childhood, he retains the habits of his parents. Cooking with wood fire, bream and barbecue, a generous cuisine, synonymous with good times to share. 
Guillaume decides that cooking will be his life. He starts with Jean-Marc Banzo at “The Clos de la Violette”, 2 Michelin stars, continues his training with Alain Passard at the Arpege, 3 stars, before joining Gérald Passedat at the restaurant “Le Petit Nice”, 3 Michelin stars, and finally Bertrand Grebaut at Septime, Paris.
2012 is an important year: Guillaume Iskandar opens his own address in Paris. This will be Garance, alongside Guillaume Muller, who provides an irreproachable room service. Guillaume Iskandar offers a sophisticated but affordable cooking, and introduces his guests to new flavors, so that the most traditional dishes sketch between modernity and nonconformity never to be bored. A simple kitchen, full of surprises and the rhythm of the seasons, could be summarize …
The most important year in his carrier is 2015 when Guillaume with his team in restaurant Garance, Paris obtains  Michelin star for excellence in gastronomy and they confirm it through years 2016. 2017 and 2018.