Carol Vecchio


Founded the Center point Institute for Life and Career Renewal
Year receipt of recognition 2015

Že leta 1992 je ustanovila Center Point Inštitut za prenovo življenja in kariere. Njeni pionirski programi so pozitivno vplivali na tisoče ljudi – mnogi, ki niso našli izhoda za njihove potrebe. S pomočjo njenih programov načrtovanja zdaj živijo življenje, ki jim je všeč.

Carol je strokovna poklicna svetovalka in strastna mentorica. Zaradi prizadevnaj na tem področju se je v letu 2010 prislužila nagrado National Association Career Development. Izbrana je bila v svet 2013 kot Skrbnik za nacionalni razvoj kariere Združenja direktorjev.

Carol Vecchio founded the Center point Institute for Life and Career Renewal in 1992. Her pioneering programs have positively impacted thousands upon thousands of people – many who couldn’t pinpoint their need at the time but are now designing and living lives they love.

Carol’s expertise as a Career Counselor and passion for mentoring others in a career of Life Design earned her the 2010 National Career Development Association Outstanding Career Practitioner Award. In addition to her new book she has contributed to many articles and is a sought after speaker. She was elected Trustee to the 2013 National Career Development Association’s Board of Directors.