Barbara Stegeman Brezavšček

Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2015


Barbara B. Stegeman je diplomirana novinarka in francistka. Na RTV Slovenija deluje ţe več kot 10 let. Začela je kot raziskovalka v informativnem programu, nato pa prevzemala različne vloge – kot avtorica dokumentarnih filmov različnih ţanrov (portreti, feljtoni, celovečerni dokumentarni filmi..), kot asistentka reţije, scenaristka izobraţevalnih oddaj in kot vodja različnih multimedijskih projektov. Je avtorica in soavtorica različnih inovativnih formatov za otroke in mladino, med drugim tudi Infodroma, prvega in edinega dnevnika za otroke v slovenskem medijskem prostoru.

Barbara B. Stegeman has a diploma in journalism and French language (University of Ljubljana). Her professional career includes working for RTV Slovenia for over 10 years. She started as a researcher in the News Program. After that she took on different roles – as the author of documentary films of various genres (portraits, feuilletons, documentary films, …) as assistant director, screenwriter for educational programs and as a manager of various multimedia projects. She is the author and coauthor of a variety of innovative formats for children and youth, including Infodrom, the first and only news for children in the Slovenian media space.