Vili Basanesse


Year receipt of recognition 2023
Mayor of Umag municipality

AWARDED WITH Referenca or Mentor:

Vili Bassanese has been the mayor of Umag for 14 years. With his innovative approach to work, Vili Bassanese achieves new European standards that undoubtedly increase the quality of life of the entire municipality.

Let’s us introduce some more visible results:

  • Umag Smart City-Green City project worth 145 million euros
  • Umag City of Children
  • Umag the European City of Sport in 2018.

Thanks to the aforementioned projects, Vili Bassanese was named the Best Mayor of Central and South-Eastern Europe in 2019.

Vili Bassanese je župan Umaga že 14 let. Vili Bassanese s svojim inovativnim pristopom k delu dosega nove evropske standarde, ki nedvomno povečujejo kakovost življenja celotne občine. Predstavimo še nekaj vidnejših rezultatov:

  • Projekt »Umag Smart City-Green City« vreden 145 milijonov evrov
  • Umag “Mesto otrok”
  • Umag »Evropsko mesto športa« 2018

Zahvaljujoč omenjenim projektom je bil Vili Bassanese leta 2019 razglašen za najboljšega župana srednje in jugovzhodne Evrope.