Prof. Dr. Vladimir Marinković


Ambassador of Knowledge
Deputy speaker, National assemby of the Republic of Serbia
Year receipt of recognition 2017

Vladimir Marinkovic, Economic Science PhD, has the title of research fellow at the Institute of Agricultural Economics, is an associate professor at the John Naisbitt University and associate professor at the Independent University of Banja Luka.
Author of a university textbook, two monographs and more than 80 scientific and expert papers in relevant domestic and foreign journals on economy, management and entrepreneurship.

Winner of several awards and the prestigious recognition – Plaque for contributions to trade-unionism in Europe awarded by the European Police Union and Man of the Year award for political idea awarded by the journal The Man, NALED’s Arrow for contributions to the improvement of the business environment in the Republic of Serbia and medal of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta awarded to him by the Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing.

Chairman of the Oversight Committee of the Association of Economists of Belgrade and member of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) from Geneva.

Vice-Chairman of the Green Serbia Chamber of Commerce and member of the Executive Board of the Regional Network of Parliamentary Committees on Economy, Finance and European Integration of Western Balkans.

Was Secretary General of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Serbia and Montenegro, deputy director of the Institute for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Since May 2012, MP at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. 2014-2016 National Assembly Deputy Speaker, member of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy, member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, deputy member of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending, Head of the NARS Economic Caucus, Chair of the NARS Parliamentary Group for Open Parliament, Chair of the Subcommittee for the Consideration of Reports on Audits Conducted by the State Audit Institution, Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
Member of the presidium of the Social Democratic Party of Serbia and Chairman of the Economy Board of the Social Democratic Party of Serbia.
Speaks English and German.