Mr Janez Pergar
The best of the best
Janez Pergar se je rodil 25. maja 1942 v Ljubljani.
Diplomiral je na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Leta 2005 je prejel naziv častnega doktorja Univerze na Primorskem.
Večji del svoje poslovne poti je deloval v največjem slovenskem turističnem podjetju Kompas, od tega 20 let kot predsednik uprave. Od leta 2010 je direktor svetovalnega podjetja NP Consulting. Bil je tudi dolgoletni predavatelj na Fakulteti za turistične študije v Portorožu.
Je predsednik Kluba managerjev Ljubljana, predsednik slovensko-švedskega društva ter podpredsednik Društva zelenih nadzornikov Ljubljana.
Od leta 1999 je častni konzul Južne Afrike v Sloveniji.
Janez Pergar was born on May 25, 1942 in Ljubljana.
He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. In 2005, he received the title of honorary doctor of the University of Primorska.
He spent most of his business career in the largest Slovenian tourism company, Kompas, including 20 years as president of the board. Since 2010, he has been the director of the consulting company NP Consulting. He was also a long-term lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism Studies in Portorož.
He is the president of the Ljubljana Managers’ Club, the president of the Slovenian-Swedish Association and the vice-president of the Ljubljana Association of Green Supervisors.
Since 1999, he has been the honorary consul of South Africa in Slovenia.