Matjaž Rupert
Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2015
The best of the best
Prejemnik priznanja MENTOR 2015
Je direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja P.E.C.A. INTERNATIONAL d.o.o., sicer pa strokovni svetovalec in strokovnjak s področja komplementarne medicine, ki proučuje energijski ustroj prostora in oseb, ki so povezani z obravnavanim prostorom.
Je avtor simbola P.E.C.A.®, ki je bil znanstveno raziskovan in mednarodno potrjen.
Na osnovi kreacije simbola P.E.C.A. je na mednarodni Univerzi za Komplementarno medicino na Šrilanki (Faculty of Medical Studies – Medicina Alternativa Institute affiliated to The Open International University for Complimentary Medicines, Alma Ata 1962) prejel mednarodno priznanje za svoje življenjsko delo in naziv Ph.D. ali Doktor Filozofije s področja komplementarne medicine.
Leta 2009 mu je ista univerza podelila še diplomo, s katero potruje, da je član kraljevega registra praktikantov komplementarne medicine (The Fellowship of Royal Complementary Practitioners).
Matjaž si je s tem prislužil tudi strokovni naziv F.R.C.P. (M.A.), ki mu uradno omogoča praktično delo na tem področju.
Matjaž is a CEO and a co-founder of P.E.C.A. International as well as a professional consultant and a complementary medicine expert, researching the energy structure of space and people connected toit . He is the author of P.E.C.A. symbol® which was scientifically researched and internationally acknowledged. After creating the P.E.C.A. symbol the International University for Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka (Faculty of edical Studies – Medicina Alternativa Institute affiliated to The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Alma Ata 1962) acknowledged him for his life work and awarded him with the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.)* degree in the field of complementarym edicine.
In 2009 he received a diploma from the same university, which certified that Matjaţ became a member of The Fellowship Register of Royal Complementary Practitioners. Earning the professional F.R.C.P. (M.A.) degree he was now formally allowed to practice work in this area.