Matjaž Rupert
The best of the best
Opis prejemnika priznanja:
Je direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja P.E.C.A. INTERNATIONAL d.o.o., sicer pa strokovni svetovalec in strokovnjak s področja komplementarne medicine, ki proučuje energijski ustroj prostora in oseb, ki so povezanni z obravnavanjem prostora. Je avtor simbola P.E.C.A. ®, ki je bil znanstveno raziskovan in mednarodno potrjen. Na osnovi kreacije simbola P.E.C.A. je na mednarodni Univerzi za 55 Komplementarno medicino na Šrilanki (Faculty of Medical Studies- Medicina Alternativa Institute affilated to The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Alma Ata 1962) prejel mednarodno priznanje ya svoje tivljenjsko delo in naziv Ph.D. ali Doktor Filozofije s področja komplementarne medicine.
Leta 2009 mu je ista univerza podelila še diplomo, s katero potrjuje, da je član kraljevega registra praktikantov komplementarne medicine (The Fellowship of Royal Complementary Practitioners). Matjaž si je s tem prislužil tudi strokovni naziv F.R.C.P. (M.A.), ki mu uradno omogoča praktično delo na tem področju.
Matjaž is a CEO and a co-founder of P.E.C.A. International as well as professional colsuntant and a complementary medicine expert, researching the enrgy structure of space and people connected to it. He is the author of P.E.C.A. symbol® which was scientifically researched and internationally acknowledged. After creating the P.E.C.A. symbol the International University of Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka (Faculty of Medical Studies – Medicina Alternativa Institute affiliated to The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Alma Alta1962) acknowledged him for his life work and awarded him with the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.)degree in the field of complementary medicine.
In 2009, he recieved a diploma from the same university, which certified that Matjaž became a member of The Fellowship Register of Royal Complementary Practitioners. Earning the prosessional F.R.C.P. (M.A.) degree, he was allowed to practice work in this area.