Darja Horvat


Prejemnica priznanja MENTOR 2017

Opis prejemnice priznanja:

Darja Horvat, po izobrazbi univerzitetna diplomirana ekonomistka, je dolgoletna učiteljica strokovnih modulov in praktičnega pouka na Ekonomski šoli Murska Sobota. Aktivno je sodelovala pri prenovi vzgojno-izobraževalnih programov, prav tako pa je od leta 2008 vodja programskega učiteljskega zbora za program ekonomski tehnik – SSI in ekonomski tehnik – PTI. V okviru Šole za ravnateljev je v projektu »Usposabljanje za samoevalvacijo« članica tima za samoevalvacijo. Obravnavane vsebine tim z delavnicami in vmesnimi aktivnostmi podaja  učiteljskemu zboru. Na ta način zaposleni v šoli zaznavajo pozitiven spremembe v delovanju in rezultatih na organizacijski ravni.

Na področju računovodstva je že 20 let mentorica dijakom, ki se udeležujejo državnega tekmovanja iz znanja računovodstva. Le-ti so v tem času osvojili številna zlata in srebrna priznanja  ter se na državni ravni v znanju računovodstva ves čas uvrščajo na sam vrh.

Že dve leti zaporedoma prenaša svoje znanje na dijake v okviru projekta “Izzivi za mlade”.

  • Leta 2016 je ekipa dijakov pod njenim mentorstvom reševala izziv Term Radenci ter podala številne predloge za oživitev maturantskih plesov na destinaciji Zdravilišča Radenci in osvojila 1. mesto.
  • Marca 2017 so dijaki pod njenim mentorstvom reševali izziv, ki ga je postavilo podjetje Terme Lendava in predlagali ustrezne rešitve, kako privabiti mlade pare, da za kraj poročnega slavja izberejo Terme Lendava.

Na regijskem tekmovanju mladih raziskovalcev, ki je potekalo aprila 2016 na GMFL Ljutomer, je ekipa dijakov pod njenim mentorstvom z raziskovalno nalogo dosegla srebrno priznanje. Darja Horvat je že vrsto let tajnica Šolske komisije za zaključni izpit, četrto leto je organizatorica izobraževanja odraslih na naši šoli, od leta 2008 pa je predsednica komisije za kakovost. S svojim znanjem, veščinami in predanostjo pedagoškemu poklicu prispeva k večjemu sodelovanju šole s podjetji v lokalnem okolju. Veliko časa posveča delu z mladimi, s tem pa prispeva k razvijanju njihovih potencialov in strokovni ter osebnostni rasti.

Ms Darja Horvat, Bachelor of Economics, has been a teacher of professional modules and practical training classes at Business School Murska Sobota for many years.  She actively participated in the curricular reform of 2008 and since then she has served as Head of Programme Teaching Staff of the programmes Economics Technician – Secondary Professional Education and Economics Technician – Secondary Vocational Education. She is an active member of the school’s self-evaluation team currently participating in the Training For Self-Evaluation project of the National School For Leadership in Education. The team shares the topics dealt with in their training sessions with the school’s teaching staff via workshops and interim activities. This way the staff can perceive the positive changes in operations and performance at the organizational level.

She has been mentoring students in the field of accounting for 20 years. Her students have regularly attended competitions in accounting at the national level and have won numerous gold and silver awards, always being among the best in the country.

She has been mentoring the project Youth Challenges for two consecutive years now and passing on her knowledge to her students.

  • In 2016 her team of students contended with the Spa Radenci challenge. They came up with numerous suggestions for prom dances revival at the premises of Spa Radenci and won the 1st place.
  • In March 2017 a team of students under her mentorship took the challenge of Terme Lendava spa and came up with suitable solutions how to attract newlyweds to celebrate their wedding receptions at Terme Lendava.

In April 2016 a team of students under her mentorship submitted a research paper to the regional competition of young researchers held at GMFL Ljutomer high school and won a silver award. Ms Darja Horvat has served as secretary of the school’s final exams commission for several years, as school’s adult education coordinator for four years and as head of the school’s quality commission since 2008.

With her knowledge, skills and dedication to the teaching profession, Ms Darja Horvat has significantly contributed to an increased cooperation between the school and the local enterprises. By dedicating a lot of her time and effort to working with the young, she has contributed to the development of their potential and to their personal and professional growth.