mag. Breda Pečovnik
The best of the best
Poslovna pot mag. Brede Pečovnik se je začela v Cankarjevem domu, kjer je zaposlena že odštu dijskih let pa vse do danes. Kot študentka je prek različnih del spoznavala kulturo in delovanje Cankarjevega doma od začetka njegovega delovanja. V letu 2006 je napredovala na delovno mesto direktorice Kongresno-komercialnega programa (pomočnice generalnega direktorja) v Cankarjevem domu.
Nenehno raziskovanje in izobraževanje, ki sta potrebna za uspeh kongresne dejavnosti in Cankarjevega doma, jo vodita tudi v delovanje na mednarodnem področju, zato je Breda Pečovnik članica v mednarodnem kongresnem združenju ICCA in mednarodnem združenju profesionalnih kongresnih organizatorjev IAPCO. Na domačih tleh je članica Kongresnega urada Slovenije in Sveta Kongresnega urada, članica Sveta Slovenske filharmonije, članica združenja nadzornikov Slovenije ter Združenja managerjev Slovenije.
Je stalna habilitirana predavateljica kongresnega turizma na Biotehniškem izobraževalnem centru Ljubljana in Visoki šoli za trajnostni turizem – ERUDIO Ljubljana, kjer svoje izkušnje in strokovno znanje prenaša na mlajše generacije. Povabilo k sodelovanju pomagati tistim, ki so pomoči potrebni, jo je ustavilo v Lions klubu Forum Ljubljana in aktivno sodeluje pri humanitarnih dogodkih.
The business path of M.Sc. Brede Pečovnik started her career in Cankarjev dom, where she has been employed since she was a student until today. As a student, she got to know the culture and functioning of Cankarjev dom from the beginning of its operation through various works. In 2006, she was promoted to the position of director of the Congress and Commercial Program (assistant to the general director) in Cankarjev dom.
Continuous research and education, which are necessary for the success of the congress activity and Cankarjev dom, also lead her to work in the international field, which is why Breda Pečovnik is a member of the International Congress Association ICCA and the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers IAPCO. On home soil, she is a member of the Congress Office of Slovenia and the Council of the Congress Office, a member of the Council of the Slovenian Philharmonic, a member of the Association of Slovenian Supervisors and the Association of Managers of Slovenia.
She is a permanent habilitated lecturer of congress tourism at the Biotechnical Education Center Ljubljana and the University of Sustainable Tourism – ERUDIO Ljubljana, where she passes on her experience and expertise to younger generations. The invitation to participate in helping those in need brought her to the Forum Ljubljana Lions Club and she actively participates in humanitarian events.