Dr. Ivan Šmon
The best of the best
Dr. Ivan Šmon, MBA je po izobrazbi doktor elektrotehniških znanosti in magister poslovnih ved, opravljen pa ima tudi mednarodni program MBA. Poslovno pot je začel leta 2001 v Elektru Gorenjska in jo nadaljeval na Univerzi v Ljubljani ter Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo. V letu 2010 se je zaposlil na distribucijskem operaterju SODO, nato pa se je leta 2013 ponovno vrnil na Elektro Gorenjska, kjer je najprej opravljal funkcijo pomočnika uprave, nato pa še funkcijo izvršnega direktorja Organizacijske enote storitve informatika. Nadzorni svet Elektra Gorenjska ga je junija 2018 imenoval na mesto predsednika uprave za štiriletno mandatno obdobje.
Dr. Ivan Šmon, MBA, je predsednik Slovenskega nacionalnega komiteja WEC, član upravnega odbora direktorjev Eurelectric, predstavnik Slovenije v študijskem komiteju CIGRE PARIZ in član upravnega odbora Energetske zbornice Slovenija. Dr. Ivan Šmon je tudi predsednik košarkarskega kluba Triglav Kranj.
V Direktoratu za energijo na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo pokriva predvsem področje elektrike, tako nacionalne kot tudi evropske. V času priprav in predsedovanja Slovenije EU bo kot nacionalni delegat in nacionalni ekspert pokrival dosjeja notranji trg in energetske tehnologije.
Dr. Ivan Šmon, MBA, holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in business sciences, he also completed an international MBA program. He started his business career in 2001 at Elektro Gorenjska and continued it at the University of Ljubljana and the Ministry of Economy. In 2010, he was employed at distribution operator SODO, and then in 2013 he returned to Elektro Gorenjska, where he first held the position of administrative assistant, and then the position of executive director of the Organization Informatics service units.
The supervisory board of Elektra Gorenjska appointed him to the position in June 2018 the president of the board for a four-year mandate period.
Dr. Ivan Šmon, MBA, is the president of the Slovenian National WEC Committee, a member of the board of directors of directors of Eurelectric, representative of Slovenia in the study committee of CIGRE PARIS and member of the board of the board of the Energy Chamber of Slovenia. dr. Ivan Šmon is also the president of the Triglav basketball club Kranj.
In the Directorate for Energy at the Ministry of the Economy, it mainly covers the field of electricity, so national as well as European. During the preparations and Slovenia’s presidency of the EU, he will be a national delegate and a national expert covering the internal market and energy technologies dossier.