Ms Dr. Jerca Legan Cvikl
The best of the best
Strategic communications (public & private sector), media production & analysis, scientific research, humanitarian projects (local & international)
Work experience September 2009 – 2013
General manager at Status – Strategic Communicatons, Ljubljana, Slovenija working as manager-consultant for strategic communications (private and public entities), science researcher, media producer and publisher. Manager for strategic communications in KID d.o.o., Slovenia (Real estate development and investments company); Consultant for strategic communications for Chamber of Commerce of Slovenija, Slovenia; Co-founder of humanitarian organisation, Samaritan, and editor-in-chief of Samaritan, a humanitarian life-style magazine, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Strategic communication consultatnt at EIB (European Investment Bank) Institute, Luxembourg. Status, Strategic communications, Self-employed company, Mesarska 10, 1000 Ljubljana KID d.o.o., Zaloška 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Chamber of Commerce of Slovenija, Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia. EIB Institute, 98-100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg. Consultant services in strategic communications, media production and humanitarian management.
From September 2005 – August 2009
University lecturer, event manager, strategic communications consultant, editor-in-chief and science researcher (philosophy and theory of visual culture). Lecturing university program on public relations for NGOs and public-private entities, editor-in-chief of life-style Diners Club Magazine, Slovenia (2004-2007), Lion – humanitarian magazine (2005-2007), life-style magazine Lisca Moda (2007-2012) and of corporate bulletin Viktor (2000-2009) University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia General manager at Status – Strategic Communicatons, self-employed company, Mesarska 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Consultant services in strategic communications and media production, lecturing at university
From June 1996 – August 2005
TV investigative reporter, life-style magazine editor and press journalist, science researcher in humanities and media studies (anthropology of everyday life) Preparation of weekly investigative contribution and editing for TV Slovenia (investigating & reporting for informational program, weekly show Studio City, 1998-2002; editing for entertainment program, monthly evening talk show Greh, 2003; editor of Culture of living, weekly TV show) As a journalist contributing to different magazines and newspapers (Ona – woman weekly magazine 1996-1997; Dolenjski list – regional weekly newspaper 1996-2008, Modna Jana and Jana, monthly and weekly women magazines, 1998-2001) as well as editor for monthly life-style magazine, Moda In,1996-1998 University research in the field of humanism and media studies (anthropology of everyday life) RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Public broadcasting, publishing of women’s and life-style magazines, university research Education and training
From September 2006 – December 2009
Doctorate degree Ph.D. studies in Philosophy and theory of visual culture University of Primorska, Faculty for Humanistic Studies, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
From September 2000 – June 2004
Postgraduate studies in Antropology of Everyday Life and Media Studies Institutum Studiorum Humanitaties – Faculty for Humanities, Breg 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
From October 1995 to May 2000
University degree Journalism and Political Science University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Science, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
– excellent team spirit, gained through my teamworking at different projects at home and abroad;
– excellent written and oral communication skills, gained through my experience as an investigative reporter and
journalist as well as editor-in-chief working for TV and different magazines;
– excellent creative skills and abilities, gained through creative production of different life-style and humanitarian
magazines from the scratch to final product;
– very good abilitiy to adapt to a multicultural environment, gained through my studies and participation in
seminars and international conferences abroad as follows:
– International Student Advertising Competition »InterAd« (1998);
– Study visit and work in Israel (1998), assistant to newspaper (daily »Delo«) correspondent in Jerusalem;
– Study visit on »Social Reporting« in Sweden (2000);
– Symposium on »Human Rights« in Croatia, Opatija (2001);
– International Summer Study in »Gender Studies«, Ohrid Summer University (2001);
– International Conference on »Media and Gender«, Poland (2002);
– International Summer School 2003, Media Studies, Oslo, Norway (2003);
– New Journalism and Communications, Media Studies, Olympia, Greece (2005);
– International Summer School Meta Humanistics, Slovenia (2006).
– excellent leadership abilities, gained by leading structured or ad-hoc teams composed of journalists,
photographers, designers and producers when editor-in-chief for above mentioned life-style and humanitarian
magazine or manager of complementary thematic events;
– excellent organiser in production of completely new products, such as magazines, TV programs, strategic
promoting them into life;
– very good and rich experience in team and project management, gained when undertaking new initiatives in
developing media and publishing projects (life-style and humanitarian magazines, TV shows, books);
– excellent in event management (concepting, casting, production)
– very good at organising and executing local/international research projects:
– Fashion in Mass Media(2000);
– Photography as Visual Communication(2001);
– Photography as Media Tehnology (2001);
– The view on Media Subject, Alain Badiou (2001);
– Woman body as an Object in Advertising (2002);
– Women’s Magazines and Covert Advertisements (2002);
– East/West (for EASA Conference in Copenhagen) (2002);
– Language narrations in Women’s Media (2002);
– Construction of Women-reader as a Consumer in Women’s magazines (2002);
– Democratisation Processes and Global Changes (2003);
– Construction of a Bride in Contemporary society (2004);
– Public Relations and Media (2005);
– Public relations in Eastern Europe after 1990 (2006);
– Communication excellence (2008);
– Anthropological research on phenomena of marriage (2009-2010);
– Conclusions on research of contemporary elitism and elites (2011);
– very good understanding of the TV and broadcasting industry, gained through my working at TV Slovenia,
producing short films and by participation at international media studies;
– very good knowledge of the publishing and marketing industry, gained through my editor-in-chief role for many
life-style, corporate and humanitarian magazines; TV programes production;
– very good in organising and executing voluntary activities in humanitarian projects:
– Public Relations in Non profit Organisation (1999);
– Strategic planning of Public Institution, Cultural centre Janez Trdina Novo mesto (1999);
– PR in NGO LOG-UM, Ljubljana (2002-2003);
– Editing of members magazine Lion, humanitarian Lions organisation, Slovenia (2005-2007);
– Strategic communication for humanitarian fund and editing magazine Samaritan (2008-2010);
– good command of Microsoft OfficeTM tools (WordTM, ExcelTM and PowerPointTM), gained through my
working in different roles and through experience training;
– basic knowledge of graphic design applications such as PhotoShopTM , Adobe IllustratorTM gained while
working in publishing and media industry.
Published the following articles, essays and books:
– Travel guide book »Cyprus« (1999);
– Handbook: »We are getting maried«, DZS (2001);
– Essay: »Women’s Magazines as advertising media« in »Making her up: Women’s Magazines in Slovenia«,
Mediawatch, Open Society Institute Slovenia (2002);
– Essay in Sc. monography »Plutarh’s Women: Wedding in Antiquity and Today« (2004);
– Sc. monography: »(Un)dressed: Women’s Reading on the case of Slovenia«, ISH (2005);
– Essay: »Woman’s body as an advertising object«, social science publication, »Theory and practice«, FDV (2005);
– Essay: »Fashion as a global mobilizer«, Hiše catalogue (2005);
– Essay: »Fashionable in the name of enjoyment«, Hiše catalogue (2006);
– Essay: »Triangle of progress: new elite, media and social responsibility«, Manager magazine (2008);
– Anthropological handbook on the phenomena of marriage: »Za pr(a)vi korak« (2010);
– Sc. monography: “(Un)dressed: Media phenomena of elites” (2011);
– Fairytale book “Tree” (2012).
– PhD diploma (upon request)
– M.Sc. diploma (upon request)
– Strategic communications products (upon request)
– very good at creative writing, skills gained through production of numerous monographies, a few handbooks
and a fairytale for children; as well as advertising production
– artistic director for strategic communication campaign gained through cooperation as a senior consultant in
artistic projects:
– PR campaign for E-laboratorium, Ljubljana (2001);
– PR campaign for artistic project »Kerubin«, Slovenia (2002);
– screenwriter knowledge and directing of films knowledge, gained through production of:
– Short university film »ISS 2003« (screenwriting and directing), Oslo, Norway (2003);
– Musical documentary »Jan: Solo«, Slovenia-Brasil (screenwriting and directing) (2003).