Enej Gradišek
Prejemnik Referenca 2015
The best of the best
Prejemnik Referenca 2015
Enej Gradišek iz Litije se je po zaključeni srednji šoli za farmacijo zaposlil v javnem zavodu v lekarni, kjer je še danes redno zaposlen. Zaradi želje po znanju je ob delu diplomiral na DOBA Fakulteti, smer poslovanje, ter ob koncu leta 2012 odprl svoj S.P. Zaradi nadaljnje želje po znanju se je vpisal na magistrski program mednarodnega poslovanja, prav tako na DOBA Fakulteti, ki je omogočala dinamično izobraževanje in usklajevanje službe s študijem. Konec marca 2014 sta s prokuristom ustanovila podjetje EGRAL d.o.o. in pričela z realizacijo razvoja mobilne aplikacije GSPOT. V septembru 2014 je uspešno magistriral. V podjetju EGRAL d.o.o. je direktor, kreator in idejni vodja projekta GSPOT. Inspiracijo za snovanje novih idej in rešitev pridobiva v mirnem okolju, kjer si spočije um in telo. Ima ogromno željo po nadaljnjem izobraževanju in nenehnem učenju, ki ga želi uporabiti za dobrobit napredka in družbe.
After having finished the secondary school Enej Gradišek from Litija took up a post at the pharmacy, where he continues to work today. While working he graduated with a degree in Business Management from DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies and opened a sole-trader business at the end of 2012. Due to his further aspirations for knowledge he enrolled at the Masters Programme in International Business Management at DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies as it enabled dynamic education and coordination of his job and studies. Together with a procurator he founded the company EGRAL at the end of March 2014 and started developing the GSPOT mobile application. He successfully graduated in September 2014. Enej Gradišek is director of the company EGRAL, as well as designer and the mastermind of the GSPOT project. He gets inspiration for creating new ideas and solutions in a peaceful environment where he rests his body and soul. He has high aspirations for further education and continuous learning which he wishes to use for the welfare of progress and society.