Drago Bahun,
The best of the best
Zaključil je študij sociologije (kadrovsko-izobraževalna usmeritev) na Fakulteti za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo Univerze v Ljubljani (1979) in nato še podiplomski študij na področju kadrologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani. Kariero je začel v Rudarsko-elektroenergetskem kombinatu v Velenju leta 1979, kjer je do konca leta 1984 opravljal delo vodje službe za organizacijo poslovnega sistema.
V Gorenju je zaposlen od leta 1985, ko je nastopil funkcijo podpredsednika poslovodnega odbora sestavljene organizacije za področje družbeno-ekonomskih odnosov. Od leta 1987 do leta 1990 je bil kot član poslovodnega odbora Gorenje Gospodinjski aparati zadolžen za področje kadrov, od leta 1990 do leta 1997 pa je opravljal funkcijo direktorja kadrovsko-splošnega področja. Po preoblikovanju družbe v delniško družbo leta 1997 je postal član začasne uprave in leta 1998 član uprave, odgovoren za kadre in delavski direktor. Od leta 2003 do konca leta 2011 je opravljal funkcijo člana uprave za kadre in organizacijo ter delavskega direktorja. Od 1. 1. 2012 dalje je član uprave – delavski direktor.
Aktiven je v različnih institucijah in strokovnih združenjih (Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Ministrstvo za delo, Združenje delodajalcev). Je član Smučarske zveze Slovenije ter predsednik organizacijskega komiteja Planica.
Mr. Drago Bahun has served as Member of the Management Board and Labour Director in Gorenje dd since 2003. He is responsible for Organization and Human resources and is Labor Director. In January 1979 he started working for the Mining and Energy Engineering State Combine in Velenje, where he was Head of the Department of Business System Organisation until the end of 1984. At the beginning of Gorenje’s rehabilitation, he was invited to join the Management Board of the Gorenje business system. He has been employed at Gorenje since the beginning of 1985 in the following positions: from 1985 to 1987 as Vice Chairman of the Management Committee of the Composite Organisation for the field of Socio-Economic Relations, from 1987 to 1990 as Member of the Management Board of Gorenje
Gospodinjski Aparati responsible for staffing, and from 1990 to 1997 as Director of Human Resources and General Affairs. He was Member of the temporary Management Board after the restructuring of the company into a public limited company in 1997, Member of the Management Board in charge of personnel and simultaneously Work Director for the 1998-2003 term. He is active in several institutions and professional organizations (Chamber of Economy, Ministry of Labour, Slovenian Association of Employers). He was second time elected councillor in the National Council of the RS, where he represents the interests of nine municipalities of the Savinjsko-Saleska region. Mr. Bahun completed the study of sociology, majoring in Human Resources at the Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Journalism at Univerza v Ljubljani in 1979. He also finished postgraduate studies in staffing at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana.