Danica Zorin Mijošek,
The best of the best
Danica Zorin Mijošek se je kot najstnica podala na zanimivo življenjsko avanturo, ko je v Rogaški Slatini odprla svoj prvi kozmetični salon in začela snovati načrte za svojo lastno blagovno znamko Kozmetika Afrodita. Danes je njeno podjetje mednarodno uveljavljeno, več kot polovico prometa ustvarijo na tujih trgih, ekipa 130 zaposlenih pa stavi na inovacije in stalen razvoj. Od garažnega domačega laboratorija, kjer je ustanoviteljica sama preiskušala izdelke, so se v desetletjih prebili na več kot 20 tujih trgov, vsako leto pa razvijejo vsaj 60 novih izdelkov.
As the leading Slovenian beauty establishment we have consistently met the desires, needs and expectations of end and professional users (cosmetic and hair salons and wellness and spa centres) with high-quality cosmetic products and services for more than 40 years. We build and maintain partner relationships with our consumers as well as all other stakeholders based on trust and reciprocity. We strive for a pleasant working environment and do our best to contribute to the welfare or our local, as well as, the broader community. Our socially responsible stance is reflected by our support for a number of sports, cultural, educational and humanitarian organisations and projects. Being aware of our environmental responsibility, we take particular care to preserve the natural world by continuously striving to improve the environmental aspects of our business operations and with rational use of energy, raw materials and other natural resources.Afrodita is a synonym for an effective, natural, trustworthy user- and environment-friendly brand.