Satja Mulej Bratec
Področje dela: Doktorska naloga – Razširitev koncepta regulacije čustev s pomočjo funkcionalne magnetne resonance (Extending the concept of emotion regulation with model-based fMRI)
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Področje dela: Doktorska naloga – Razširitev koncepta regulacije čustev s pomočjo funkcionalne magnetne resonance (Extending the concept of emotion regulation with model-based fMRI)
Predstavitev prejemnice priznanja:
Dr. Satja Mulej Bratec kot »Postdoc« trenutno raziskuje in predava na Tehniški univerzi München v Nemčiji. Po odlično opravljeni mednarodni maturi na Drugi gimnaziji v Mariboru je kot tretja najboljša v zadnjem letniku z najboljšo oceno »first« zaključila triletni dodiplomski študij psihologije na univerzi Warwick v Veliki Britaniji. Študij je nadaljevala z dvoletnim magistrskim programom nevro-kognitivne psihologije na Ludwig Maximilian univerzi v Münchnu, ki ga je zaključila kot najboljša v letniku z odlično povprečno oceno 1.0. Na isti univerzi je v sklopu mednarodnega programa »PhD« 5 let kasneje pri 29. letih z odlično oceno 1.0 doktorirala iz sistemske nevroznanosti. Ima tudi 5,5 let delovne dobe.
Satja Mulej Bratec, Ph.D., currently works as a Postdoc at the Technical University in Munich, Germany. After successfully completing the International Baccalaureate programme at Druga Gimnazija Maribor, she finished a three-year Bachelor programme in psychology at Warwick University, UK, with a “first”, ranked third in her last year. She continued her studies with a 2-year Master programme in neuro-cognitive psychology at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich in Germany, which she completed with an excellent grade 1.0, ranked first in her class. She received her PhD title from the same university at the age of 29 in the field of systemic neuroscience, with an excellent grade of 1.0. She has 5.5 years of employment.
Opis naloge:
Efektivna regulacija čustev je bistvenega pomena za naše socialno in čustveno dobro počutje. Vendar koncept regulacije čustev, kot običajno velja na tem področju, ne upošteva pomembnih vidikov regulacije čustev. Poglavitni namen naloge je bil, da vključi te manjkajoče vidike in s tem razširiti koncept regulacije čustev: na eni strani je naloga razširila definicijo samih čustev znotraj področja regulacije čustev z vključitvijo motivacijskega vidika čustev v smislu napak napovedi (»prediction errors«) in njihovih nevronskih temeljev; na drugi strani je naloga vsebovala raziskavo podcenjene vrste regulacije čustev in njenih nevronskih temeljev – socialno regulacijo čustev.
Effective emotion regulation is essential for our social and emotional well-being. Yet, the concept of emotion regulation, as it is conventionally regarded in the field, does not take important aspects of emotion regulation into account. The overarching aim of the thesis was to include such missing aspects and thereby expand the concept of emotion regulation: firstly, the definition of emotion within the field of emotion regulation was widened to include the motivational aspect of emotions in terms of prediction errors and their neural implementation; and secondly, an underestimated type of emotion regulation – the social emotion regulation – and its neural underpinnings were investigated.