Prof. Anis Bajrektarević
The best of the best
Former legal practitioner and the president of Young Lawyers Association of BiH Bar (late 1980s), Former MFA official and career diplomat (early 19903), Research Fellow at the Institute for Modern Political-history analyses, Dr. Bruno Kreisky Foundation as well as the Legal and Political Advisor for CEE at the Vienna-based Political Academy, Dr. Karl Renner (mid 1990s). Senior Legal Officer and Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Vienna of the Intergovernmental Organization ICMPD (19905). Attached to the IMC University of Austria as a Professor and Chairman for Intl. Law and Global Political Studies (2000s 10s).
For past 15 years, he teaches subjects of Geo-political Affairs, International Law Including Intl. Relations, Law of lOs and EU Law) and Sustainable Development (Institutions and Instruments of). Besides. he served as a pro bono expert numerous academic institutions, think-tanks and intergovernmental institutions (such as the UN ECE, OSCE, Council of Europe, American Bar, Oxford Academy of Total Intelligence, etc.). Professor is editor of the NY-based GHIR (Geopolitics, History and Intl. Relations) journal and editorial board member of several similar magazines on three continents. The International Institute IFIMES has recently entrusted him as its Department Head for Strategic Studies on Asia, and its Permanent Representative to Austria and Vienna-based IOs.
Prof. Bajrektarevic is the author of dozens presentations, publications, speeches, research colloquiums as well as of numerous public events (round tables & study trips, etc.). His writings are frequently published in all five continents, and he is regularly guest lecturing at many national diplomatic academies and prestigious national universities and governmental training facilities.
He authors the books FB- Geopolitics of Energy (Addleton Academic Publishers, New York, 2013), Geopolitics – Europe 100 years after (DK, 2014/15) and the forthcoming book No Asian Century. Prof. Bajrektarevic is an elected arbiter and mediator before several permanent national arbitrational tribunals in Europe and in Asia.