Borut Demšar
The best of the best
Borut s svojo samoiniciativnostjo ter željo po odkrivanju novih rešitev in znanj tudi izven osnovnega delovnega procesa izraža veselje do svojega dela. Pod svoje okrilje rad sprejema študente in študentke, jim daje jasna navodila in potrebno podporo pri opravljanju njihovega dela. V svojem timu in celem kolektivu ustvarja pozitivno klimo ter spodbuja ostale za ustvarjalnost in inovativnost. Je oseba z jasnimi cilji in vizijo za prihodnost, kar se odraža pri soustvarjanju lastnih blagovnih znamk podjetja LOTRIČ Meroslovje QTree in Exactum.
Borut with his personal initiative and desire for new knowledge and solutions beyond his basic work process expresses the passion for his work. He likes to work with students, giving them clear guidance and support that is needed to perform their work. In his team and the entire working collective, he is creating a positive atmosphere. He also encourages other to creativity and innovation. He is a person with clear goals and vision for the future, which is reflected in co-creating own trademarks in company LOTRIČ Metrology – QTree and Exactum.