Andrej Koplan
Prejemnik Referenca 2015
The best of the best
Prejemnik Referenca 2015
Andrej Koplan je v podjetju Magneti Ljubljana d.d. začel delati že kot dijak. Na začetku se je ukvarjal z meritvami, kasneje pa začasno prevzel delo na enem od strojev, na katerem je predlagal mnoge izboljšave, ki so prinesle občutno optimizacijo delovanja stroja in nižjo porabo materiala. Ker se je izkazal kot prizadeven dijak in študent, željan novih znanj, mu je podjetje dodelilo kadrovsko štipendijo.
Po uspešno zaključeni gimnaziji in Fakulteti za organizacijske vede, smer Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov, študij nadaljuje na podiplomskem študiju z zagovorom magistrske naloge z naslovom Obvladovanje porabe električne energije v proizvodnji kovinskih trajnih magnetov. V sklopu študija na fakulteti se je udeleţeval tudi tekmovanj iz študije primera, kjer so z ekipo dosegali zelo dobre rezultate. V podjetju Magneti Ljubljana d.d. trenutno dela kot študent in štipendist podjetja, večinoma pa se ukvarja z informacijsko podporo proizvodnih procesov.
Andrej Koplan started working in Magneti Ljubljana d.d. when he was still in high school. At first he was doing some measurements, but later he temporarily took over the work at one of the machines. He suggested multiple optimizations, which resulted in significant optimization of the performance of the machine and wer material onsumption. He was awarded with a scholarship because he proved to be a diligent student, eager to gain new knowledge.
After he finished his study in the high school and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, programme Organization and Management of Information systems, he started with the postgraduate study. The title of his master’s thesis is Peak-power management in permanent metallic magnet production. During the study at the faculty he also attended multiple case study competitions, where his team achieved very good results. He currently still works as a student and scholarship holder in Magneti Ljubljana d.d., where he spends most of his time for information support for production processes.