Ms Daniela Žagar


Ambassadors of Knowledge
Secretary OOZ Kranj
Year receipt of recognition 2014

I was born on December 1957 in Kranj. By profession I am graduated economist. After high school I finished Higher Administrative School. Later, next to working, I graduated at Faculty of Management in Economics.I got my first job at the Municipality of Kranj, where I was counselor for trade and entrepreneurship. After five years of work experience I was employed by the Regional Chamber of Craft Kranj. New work and new environment had brought completely new opportunities, greater creativity of work and many new challenges.In 1992 I participated in project which was led by Ministry of Economy. I participated in training for business advisers, which helped me in my work as well as in establishing and running my husband’s construction business. In 1994/95 I was as one of the fifteen consultants from Gorenjska involved in the project PHARE. I had led or participated in several projects which included purchasing land and construction of business zones for entrepreneurs (in the former zone Tekstilindusu, Metal-craft business, Business zone in Šenčur …).

In the early 90ths I led local development coalition for the Municipality of Kranj. One of the set tasks was “merger of support institutions for small business at the same location”. The idea was soon realized in the construction of Business center in Kranj. I was responsible for establishing agreements with institutions for joint construction, coordination of customer requirements, project finance and acquisition of loans. I also took care of smooth coordination of construction. Experience I gained in home construction company helped me a lot.
I am permanent guest at information days organized in elementary and secondary schools, where I promote recruitment and involvement of youth in craft occupations. I teach different business contents at high school and occasionally at Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj.In 2010, I prepared for the Municipality of Naklo contribution on the topic history of craftsmanship and analysis of the existing state of entrepreneurship in the municipality.In 2003, Municipality of Kranj presented me a prize and a medal for many activities and achievements in the field of small business in the Municipality of Kranj. In the year 2011, I received award “Secretary of the year 2011″ which was given to me by Craft of Slovenia.The most important project that OOZ Kranj is taking part in is definitely CPR-Centerfor business services. To our members and prospective entrepreneurs we offer a full range of services that are not part of entrepreneur’s everyday activities but are needed at his or hers work. There are included over 25 partners in the set of CPR.In the past I participated in many projects. Some of them are stated below:
• M-LAB – Committee member (helping with motivation of youth and analyzing business premises – youth employment opportunities)
• Gorenjska Guarantee Fund – member (examination of applications, checking eligibility of investments, loan approvals)
• Scholarship scheme GORENJSKA – partner (Scholarships for occupations which are lacking)
• Regional development council of Gorenjska – member of two committees:

• PROJECT LIFELONG LEARNING – a partner in the project
• Council of the Institute for Gorenjska RZZZ – member / partner (Employment policy and
development programs)
• Centre for Sustainable Rural Development – Committee member (Rural Development)
• Commission for quality in secondary education (Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences) – member
• Commission for Small Business MUNICIPALITY NAKLO – member In connection to project RZZZ
together with Craft chamber:
• Regional craft chamber Kranj – project Self-employed (implementation of workshops for
unemployed and organization and implementation of interviews for unemployed)
• Project UPI – implementation of workshops for primary schools on the topic entrepreneurship
• ZDOPS – since 2010 as regional coordinator responsible for the operation of a ZDOPS in Gorenjska